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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
From our sponsors
[食記][台北]劉芋仔 & 林記橋頭客家純糖麻糬
Aug 19th 2013, 21:15, by leafphoto

  餐廳名稱:劉芋仔 / 林記橋頭客家純糖麻糬
  消費時間:2013 年/ 8 月
  電話:0920091595 (劉芋仔) / 0953073938 (林記橋頭客家純糖麻糬)

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
From our sponsors
[新聞] 特哈達談用藥苦衷 為病走險釀大禍
Aug 19th 2013, 11:37, by terryex

[人物] 特哈達談用藥苦衷 為病走險釀大禍

昨日大聯盟官方無預警地宣告6屆明星賽選手特哈達(Miguel Tejada)因藥檢未過而遭懲處

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
Shop Best Buy

Find this week's deals in computers, cameras, phones, and more! Choose store pick up or other shipment options.
From our sponsors
(徵租屋)8/28 Sunny Bank 兩位女生住宿
Aug 20th 2013, 12:34, by May771126

(徵租屋)8/28 Sunny Bank 兩位女生住宿

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 廣告專區
旅遊業者廣告放置,以及旅遊活動宣傳. 嚴禁非旅遊廣告. 
Mobile Game Development Course

Learn how to create awesome HTML5 games that run on iPhone, iPad, Android and Desktop! Sign up today for this $99 online course.
From our sponsors
Aug 21st 2013, 06:10, by gotoheaven

中秋假期 102/9/18~9/21 四天三夜 香港東隅酒店 城景雙人房 因為家人臨時無法成行 所以售出 agoda訂房19012新台幣 便宜轉讓,打算以18000(含稅)售出 沒有含早餐 請有興趣的人,可以寄站內信或ahtreb.school@gmail.com與我連絡。

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批踢踢實業坊 joke 板
Get rewarded for sharing

Join the Hotspex panel to play a key role in consumer driven innovation. Have a real impact on the products that go to market and earn great rewards!
From our sponsors
[囧rz] PM的作用...
Aug 21st 2013, 11:38, by jyg

便在便利商店 聊天兼看OL妹

所幸我就詢問一下: 貴公司的PM好像都是找女生

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批踢踢實業坊 movie 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
From our sponsors
[新聞] 【科學小飛俠】演員跑廁所練「另類默契」
Aug 20th 2013, 23:45, by beesfactory


《科學小飛俠》絢麗煙火秀「G」情  演員穿浴衣大展夏日風情

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 日本關東
Learn Adobe Illustrator CS6 Master Techniques from an Adobe Guru!

With over 25 years of experience teaching, Robert Farrell has been a trusted instructor for individuals and companies who want to improve their Adobe skills.
From our sponsors
Aug 20th 2013, 12:42, by cclune

這次家族出國,有老有小 共四大三小, 而且是3隻小的,最大不到3歲~ 打算是住在新宿(逛街方便) (1)東新宿太陽道 (2)新宿太陽道 (3)hotel sunlight 因為帶小孩,不希望要走很遠的路, 如果就帶3小朋友吃東西、買東西,住哪間比較方便呢? 或者,有其它建議?

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批踢踢實業坊 movie 板
Eco-Friendly Mattresses

We're committed to presenting a line of sleep products that have a minimum impact on both your pocketbook and the environment. Visit us today!
From our sponsors
[負雷] 天台 - 周先生 你還是安份寫歌吧
Aug 20th 2013, 13:04, by LaLFGF

最近在youtube看完超級模王大道 大根的表演
引起對天台這部片的興趣, 而且周杰倫之前 不能說的秘密 也不錯

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[分享] 2013年U18世界盃棒球中華隊<野手篇>
Aug 21st 2013, 17:27, by nanako81240


捕 手:江敏豪  1995年08月16日  http://0rz.tw/mQ9Ea
身高體重:176公分 73公斤

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批踢踢實業坊 WOW 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
From our sponsors
Re: [問題] 一些技術問題
Aug 20th 2013, 04:59, by enchyi



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批踢踢實業坊 give 板
Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

Reducing our carbon footprint one bottle at a time!
From our sponsors
[贈送] 台北 kitty小鏡子.吊飾.全新t恤
Aug 21st 2013, 16:42, by newkang

物    品:全新網拍風塗鴉愛心t恤(m號)+一些小東西(kitty小鏡子.飾品.扭蛋等)


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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
2012 Intl Green Construction Code

Sign up for the most comprehensive introductory course available on the web for the 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Just $29.
From our sponsors
[請問] 台大鬆餅小木屋有開嗎?
Aug 21st 2013, 14:36, by sayjessie



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批踢踢實業坊 give 板
Eco-Friendly Mattresses

We're committed to presenting a line of sleep products that have a minimum impact on both your pocketbook and the environment. Visit us today!
From our sponsors
[贈送] 台北公館 SHE演唱會螢光棒及環保袋
Aug 21st 2013, 16:23, by cndl

物    品:SHE 2gether 4ever演唱會的螢光棒、環保袋及演唱會特刊


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批踢踢實業坊 PC_Shopping 板
You Can Make a Difference

By planting ten trees and ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we allow each and every customer to make a difference. Join us today!
From our sponsors
[菜單] 10-12K文書機
Aug 20th 2013, 22:40, by xavier2301

已買/未買/已付訂金(元): 未買

預算/用途: 10-12k/文書用

CPU (中央處理器):Intel G2120

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批踢踢實業坊 DSLR 板
2012 Intl Green Construction Code

Sign up for the most comprehensive introductory course available on the web for the 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Just $29.
From our sponsors
[問題] 菜鳥請教一個前後景亮度差很多時的問題
Aug 20th 2013, 20:08, by theworld62


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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
Learning HTML & CSS shouldn't be difficult.

Master Trainer, Mark Lassoff, will teach you everything you need to know to create a creative and professional web site in 4 hours.
From our sponsors
Aug 20th 2013, 02:56, by okoriental

本店誠意招聘一員工 克苦工作 有意留言 1 要求每週的工時和工資 2 在那裡的工作經驗 3 在那裡住 來電 0413312066

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
Get rewarded for sharing

Join the Hotspex panel to play a key role in consumer driven innovation. Have a real impact on the products that go to market and earn great rewards!
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FIRLE單人大房出租, $150/wk全包!!!!! 可短/長租!!!!
Aug 21st 2013, 01:20, by mizukinews

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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
2012 Intl Green Construction Code

Sign up for the most comprehensive introductory course available on the web for the 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC). Just $29.
From our sponsors
[徵求] 贈 烤雞腿、雞翅、雞肉絲
Aug 21st 2013, 11:15, by coosla



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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 廣告專區
旅遊業者廣告放置,以及旅遊活動宣傳. 嚴禁非旅遊廣告. 
Creating iOS Games: Beginner Course

Marin Todorov teaches you how to create an iPhone game easily and simply using Cocos2d in this $99 online course.
From our sponsors
超便宜 ~澳洲的台灣背包客單程回台灣機票 (華航 China Airlines) A$560起
Aug 20th 2013, 05:20, by TravelWeb

*單程華航機票 出發日期 特價澳幣(已含稅) 行李重量 30kg *布里斯本/ 雪梨->台北 7AUG13-30NOV13 布里斯本/ 雪梨->台北 1DEC13-8DEC13, 29DEC13-5JAN14, 1FEB14-15FEB14 布里斯本/ 雪梨->高雄 7AUG13-30NOV13 布里斯本/ 雪梨->高雄 1DEC13-8DEC13, 29DEC13-5JAN14, 1FEB14-15FEB14 1. One Way Fares for sales to Taiwan...

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批踢踢實業坊 AllTogether 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

Actress Alexa Fisher will teach you tips that will set you on the road to success.
From our sponsors
[徵女] ****(高雄地區)誠心認識住在高雄的女生!!
Aug 18th 2013, 21:15, by acheng0602




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